
  • "Improving Robustness of Machine Learning Systems" project sponsored by Semiconductor Research Corporation (SRC) starting in January 2020.
  • INFINITECH H2020 project sponsored by European Commission starting in October 2019.
  • Receivet two Best Paper Awards at UYMS (National Software Engineering Symposium) 2018.
  • Etem Deniz received the 2016 Bogazici University BAP Doctoral Dissertation Award.
  • Dr. Sen will give a keynote talk at Workshop on Rapid Simulation and Performance Evaluation (RAPIDO 2015) during HIPEAC Conference.
  • International Workshop on Design and Implementation of Formal Tools and Systems (DIFTS 2013)

    Dr. Sen is co-chair of DIFTS 2013 to be held in Portland, OR.

  • Etem Deniz is acknowledged for his contributions to Multicore Association's Multicore Task Management API standard MTAPI.